Friday, November 12, 2010

Another Deadly Blast

Mount Merapi in Indonesia erupted once again today.  The eruptions which started on October 26 has killed a total of 206 and displaced over 400,000.  After todays blast rescue crews recovered more dead bodies.  The worst is considered over but like we have learned in class there is still a threat from the ash that has spewed out of the volcano as shown in the picture below.  Because of this threat there is still a 20 kilometer radius danger zone. In total 140 million cubic meters of magma has flowed out of Mount Merapi, a record.  This blast today was not the strongest but still was devastating because of the earlier flows which destroyed a lot of vegetation.  Since trees and other obstacles have already been destroyed there has been nothing to slow down the magma of today's flow.  The odd thing about this volcano is that it is one of the most active volcanos in Indonesia and yet it is also highly populated.  It would make more sense to live as far away from this volcano, as it killed over 1,300 in a blast in 1930.

Indonesian Special Forces look for victims of the Merapi eruption in the village of Glagaharjo on November 12, 2010.
Rescue workers have there faces covered to prevent ash from getting in their eyes and lungs, as they search for bodies in a barren ash filled area.

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